Löschen mit 5G

Eine weitere Testwoche im Projekt ALADIN auf dem Flugplatz Schönhagen. Zusammen mit den anderen Konsortialpartnern konnten wir die nächsten Tests durchführen.

Für unseren Part wurde die Schnittstelle zur 5G Übertragung zunächst mit der “kleinen” Modellraupe durchgeführt. Diese hat exakt die gleichen Funktionen wie der große Bruder. Daher können die Funksignale getestet werden ohne das große Gerät dafür anzuwerfen. Im weiteren Verlauf haben wir dann zuerst einzelne Baugruppen, wie die Pumpe oder die Löschmonitore angesteuert – voller Erfolg.

Außerdem haben wir das Projekt und unser neues Fahrzeugkonzept dem Landesbrandirektor Brandenburg, Herrn Koch, und dem Vorsitzenden des Landesfeuerwehrverbandes Brandenburg, Herrn Fünning, sowie weiteren Feuerwehrleuten vorgestellt. Die Technologie, die Preisgestaltung und das Mietkonzept fanden größtes Interesse. Im Anschluss an die Präsentation konnten die Fragen zu dem Fahrzeug im Details beantwortet werden. Es scheint, dass wir mit unserer Lösung die Anforderungen der Feuerwehren insbesondere für die Brandbekämpfung auf munitionsbelasteten Flächen mehr als erfüllen. Auch die große Varianz an weiteren Einsatzmöglichkeiten des neuen Raupenfahrzeugs haben die Feuerwehrleute überzeugt. Dadurch dass das Fahrzeugkonzept sich nahtlos in das WLF-Konzept der Feuerwehren einpasst sind keine weiteren Sonderfahrzeuge wie Tieflader notwendig. Ein weiterer, großer Pluspunkt unseres Konzeptes.

FLORIAN here we come !!!

The last preparations are made! We will be part of FLORIAN at Messe Dresden. We will present the research project ALADIN on an extensive stand. Besides our fire fighting crawler in full size there will be the ATISS drone from TH Wildau and several other drones from partner THOLEG. The idea of the project will be demonstrated in small scale by fully operational exhibits. This means that all demonstraters will be guided from the command shelter!

For questions and discussions there will be personnel from TH Wildau, THOLEG and ATG Across The Ground. We are looking forward to your visit at Stand F20 in hall 1.

FLORIAN will take place from 13. to 15. October at the fairground in Dresden.

Test week at the airport Schönhagen

A whole week of testing for the project partners in the research project ALADIN at the airport Schönhagen (EDAZ) southwest of Berlin. Single components as well as the interfaces and functionality between the different contributions were checked. So the reach of the 5G network in general and the imaging were tested.

With our crawler we have checked the fire figthing components and seen that the monitor on the 9 Meter tower has a reach of around 70 Meters!

Big support was given by the fire brigade of the city of Trebbin with their wildfire fighting truck by suppliying water and usage of the onboard pump.

Around the corner…

Once again a prefab house that would not go around the corner on its trailer. In the midth of a village the truck/trailer combinations were supposed to go around a sharp corner itno a tight road. The small mobile crane did make it, as it was equipped with allwheel-steering. For the trucks it would have been impossible!

As the drivers have already done jobs like this together with us, so everything went smooth and quickly. Power unit and compressor onto the trailer for brake air supply, 24 Volt Nato cable for the hydraulic pump of the trailer steering and power supply for the radio control of the rear axles of the trailer – and the convoy started. As a school bus passes through the small main road, the traffic was supposed to be stopped for only the shortest time!

Backing up into the middle of the road and than the crawler pulls up to the rear corner. Now one of the most important capabilities of the crawler was applied! Turning on the spot (expertly expressed: “turning around the vertical axis”) so the given space was used most efficiently. The crawler moves along the building’s wall. At the same time the front wall of the trailer must be monitored, to not damage any drainspout or else. Simultaniously the trailer axles are steered to pass the other corner as tight as possible. On the way back from the building site the same procedure has to be carried out the other way around.

The use of the CT25 crawler with its fully cardanic fifth wheel once again rendered possible the erection of a prefab house in a location that otherwise would not have been reachable!

At this position the crawler was exchanged against the trucks again

Visit at the Kübler Schwerlastzentrum Mannheim

The wellknown heavy load forwarding company Kübler opened up its heavy load center in Mannheim harbor with an open house party on Saturday the 21st of Oct. 2019.


Naturally we have paid a visit to our partner for machinery transports. The crew from Kübler & Setzer in Kreuztal were present as well and we have had a look at large variety of trucks and technical solutions. Very impressing is the new warehouse with several overhead cranes, the strongest able to carry 500to!

Impressing just as well is the mobile harbor crane!